Tag Archives: international

  1. May Day Greetings from the Liaison Committee for the Fourth International to the International Working Class

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    02/05/2014 by socialistfight

    The Liaison Committee for the Fourth International sends its warmest revolutionary greetings to the world’s working class, the poor and oppressed and in particular to its fighting vanguard; today the international crisis of capitalism has propelled the working class in the Ukraine to the forefront of the global fightback and we salute those heroic fighters, together with those fighting the US/EU assaults in Syria and Venezuela.


    19/03/2014 by socialistfight

    a, alan woods, Britain, committee, Communism, communist, CPGB, fifth, fight, for, fourth, gerry healey, Great, group, img, international, internationalist, labour, league, lfi. icfi, maxist, Militant, news, of, party, power, revolution, revolutionary, Sheila Torrance, sll, SOCIALIST, Socialist Labour League, socialist resistance, spgb, ted grant, the, trotsky, Trotskyism, wil, workers, wrp, youth

  3. “Defeat imperialism and Nazism in Ukraine! United front with Putin, the devil and his grandmother!”

    07/03/2014 by socialistfight

    america. us, and, Britain, Capitalism, Chernivtsi, cia, cis, committee, crimea, demonstration, Eastern, eu, EuroMaidan, Europe, european union, for, fourth, freedom, gas, government, imf, Imperialism, in, international, Kiev, Kremlin, Leon Trotsky, maiden, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Naftogaz, NATIONAL, NATO, Nazis, nsa, nuclear, of, oil, Orange Revolution, party, Pax Americana, pipe-line, Putin, riots, russia, SOCIALIST, South-eastern, soviet, Svoboda, the, trotskist, ukraine, Ukrainian, Viktor Yanukovych, Viktor Yushchenko, Zaporijia

  4. The fight by Ukraine to defeat the EU and the US accentuates the decline of “Pax Americana”

    03/03/2014 by socialistfight

    america. us, and, britain, capitalism, Chernivtsi, cia, cis, committee, crimea, demonstration, Eastern, eu, EuroMaidan, europe, european union, for, fourth, freedom, gas, government, IMF, imperialism, in, international, Kiev, Kremlin, Leon Trotsky, maiden, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Naftogaz, national, nato, Nazis, nsa, nuclear, of, oil, Orange Revolution, party, Pax Americana, pipe-line, Putin, riots, russia, socialist, South-eastern, Soviet, Svoboda, the, trotskist, ukraine, Ukrainian, Viktor Yanukovych, Viktor Yushchenko, Zaporijia


    01/03/2014 by socialistfight

    Africa, anc, communist, congress, cosatu, cwg, Economic Freedom Fighters, eff, gawu, General and Allied Workers Union, group, Marxist, mineworkers, NATIONAL, num, numsa, of, party, revolutionary, rmg, saawu, sacp, sactu, Shaheen Khan, south, south african, Transvaal, union, Western Cape, Africa, african, african national congress, alliance, amcu, anc, and, association, black, center for civil society, committee, communist, congress, construction, cosatu, democratic, fight, for, fourt, group, international, left, Liaison, maikana, marikana, Marxist, massacre, may day, miners, mineworkers, movement, msbenzi, NATIONAL, nationalism, num, of, pan africanist congress, partick bond, party, quina, quina msebenzi quina, rally, revolutionary, sacp, SOCIALIST, socialist fight, south, support, the, union, Africa, african, amcu, anc, communist, congress, cosatu, group, marikana, Marxist, massacre, mineworkers, msbenzi, NATIONAL, num, of, party, quina, quina msebenzi quina, revolutionary, sacp, socialist fight, south, union

  6. Revolutionary Programme and the United Front

    23/02/2014 by socialistfight

    Africa, anc, communist, congress, cosatu, cwg, Economic Freedom Fighters, eff, gawu, General and Allied Workers Union, group, Marxist, mineworkers, NATIONAL, num, numsa, of, party, revolutionary, rmg, saawu, sacp, sactu, Shaheen Khan, south, south african, Transvaal, union, Western Cape, a, alan woods, and, anti-capitalist, bolshevik, Britain, coalition, committee, Communism, communist, congress, CPGB, cwi, democratic, dsm, east, fifth, fight, for, fourth, gerry healey, GRANT, Great, group, ibt, img, imt, initiative, internatinal, international, internationalist, internatonal, irish, labour, league, lfi, lfi. icfi, london, marikana, Marxist, maxist, Militant, movement, NATIONAL, network, news, north, of, party, power, RCIT, revolution, revolutionary, Sheila Torrance, shop, sll, SOCIALIST, Socialist Labour League, socialist party, Socialist Party of England and Wales, socialist resistance, south, sp, spew, spgb, stewards, surrey, ted, ted grant, tendancy, the, trades, trotsky, Trotskyism, trotskyist, tuc, tusc, union, wasp, west, wil, workers, wrp, youth

  7. On the Continuity of Trotskyism: Reply to Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) Part 2

    07/02/2014 by socialistfight

    a, alan woods, Britain, committee, Communism, communist, CPGB, fifth, fight, for, fourth, gerry healey, Great, group, img, international, internationalist, labour, league, lfi. icfi, maxist, Militant, news, of, party, power, revolution, revolutionary, Sheila Torrance, sll, SOCIALIST, Socialist Labour League, socialist resistance, spgb, ted grant, the, trotsky, Trotskyism, wil, workers, wrp, youth, and, anti-capitalist, bolshevik, Britain, coalition, committee, communist, congress, cwi, democratic, dsm, east, fifth, for, fourth, GRANT, ibt, imt, initiative, internatinal, internatonal, irish, labour, league, lfi, london, marikana, Marxist, Militant, movement, NATIONAL, network, north, party, power, RCIT, revolutionary, shop, SOCIALIST, socialist party, Socialist Party of England and Wales, south, sp, spew, stewards, surrey, ted, tendancy, trades, trotskyist, tuc, tusc, union, wasp, west, workers.

  8. A Response To The RCIT’s (Revolutionary Communist International Tendency) Thesis On The Trade Unions

    03/02/2014 by socialistfight

    RCIT, Revolutionary, Communist, International, Tendency, Thesis, On, The, Trade, Union, fourth, fifth, labour, party, socialist, workers, Communist, Party, of, Great, Britain, london, cpgb, Bureaucracy, initiative, anrchist, anti-capitalist, anticapitalist, left, unity, spgb, east, west, north, south, tusc, coalition, unions, in, rtrotsky, and, socialist, fight, liaison, committee, for, the, fourth, international, of, sf, lcfi


    31/01/2014 by socialistfight

    revolution, labour, party, socialist, youth, trotskyism, trotsky, wil, workers, internationalist, league, for, the, fourth, fifth, international, wrp, revolutionary, power, lfi. icfi, committee, a, of, fight, workers, news, communism, communist, gerry healey, socialist labour league, sll, great, britain, cpgb, spgb, militant, Sheila Torrance, alan woods, socialist resistance, img, maxist, group, the, ted grant

  10. 20/01/2014 by socialistfight

    the, marxist, theory, of, the, state, liaison, committee, fourth, international, rcit, revolutionary, communist, international, tendancy, wp, workers, power, sf, socialist, fight, for, league, fifth, rkob, Revolutionary, Communist, Organisation, Liberation, RKOB, socialist, anarchist, workers, party, anti-capitalist, austria, britain, new, alliance, revolutionary, initiative, Michael Proebsting, wpb, cwi, imt, marxist, ibt, bolshevik, youth, grantism, ted grant, trotskyism, stalinism, lenin, rcp, fourth, labour, league, militant, london, surrey, north, east, south, west, guildford

WRP Explosion

WRP Explosion

WRP Explosion